
The Move

Well, we made it! We are in Arizona now, after three days of driving. (J.D. drove because Alaina was scared of the whale-sized truck and trailer) We're in the process of settling into the house and unpacking our very packed truck. (thanks everyone who helped) Alaina isn't sure yet of living in the, very brown and hot, desert again, but knows this is what God has called us to do, and is excited about the numerous options that await her. J.D. is just excited about the year-long baseball and softball possibilities.

We already miss our friends and family in Oregon...and leaving was probably the hardest thing we've had to do. We're excited for our future, but already miss our wonderful past in the awesome place of Portland. Seriously, if I could convince everyone to move to Portland....I would do it. How could you not love that place?

The Blog...

Well we did it! We started a blog.... Welcome to our blog... J.D. and Alaina's adventures!